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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Oh Kindle, How I Love Thee

*Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.  Any purchases made through this post will result in a commission to me.  All views and opinions are my own.
October 2008
It is just a little over a month out from Christmas.  I am watching the "Oprah's Favorite Things in the World" episode.  She is going on and on about this new thing called a Kindle.  My only thought is that it looks like a ridiculous waste of money.  Why would anyone want to read on a computer screen?  I still print out things to read because my eyes go bonkers trying to read on the screen.  I can't imagine what trying to read a whole book would do to me!  Even more unimaginable, I can't imagine not having a real book to hold.  I love the smell of them and the feel of that bulk in my hands.  I vow to never use an e-reader. 

February 2011
My husband hands me a package.  He is grinning ear to ear as he watches me study the package.  Hubby is a practical gift giver and almost never gives gifts for Valentine's Day, so I can't even imagine what is inside. My mouth drops open.  It is an original Kindle e-reader.  I look at him with a questioning glance.  He explains that because I love to read so much he thought I might enjoy this new toy.  I am in shock over his thoughtful gift and feel terrible because I have no desire to try it out.  Guilt finally takes over and I start to use it for reading books and magazines.

I find I can download lots of free books from Amazon's website.  I am enjoying the ease of use and the ability to look up words by just tapping on them.  I feel like my vocabulary is growing just by using it.  I download a bible onto it and now I am using it for my devotions too.  I like that I can take notes in it and the bookmarks guarantee I will never loose my place.   I am amazed at how quickly my Kindle becomes my new favorite reading device.  

September 2011
I am pregnant and on bed rest.  I help my daughter up onto my bed.  She walks across it and steps on my Kindle which I had laid down when I went to help her.  To my horror the screen cracks and it is no longer usable.  At this point I have had it so long I am sure that the warranty is well past.  My sweet husband recommends that I call Amazon anyway and see what they can do for me.   Convinced they won't help me I put it off.  I am devastated because I feel like I have lost all of the books I had stored not to mention the one I was in the middle of reading!  Suddenly I remember seeing something about a Kindle App.  I run to my laptop and look it up.  Sure enough for free I can download my free kindle app onto my laptop and continue to read from there!  I am beyond excited!  

December 2011
I slowly work my way through my pile of gifts as I watch the excitement of paper flying around the room from our four young children. My husband pulls out a bag I hadn't noticed before.  He hands it to me and then sits down to watch me.  I am never sure what to expect from him.  I look in the gift bag and can see the words Kindle Fire on the side of the box inside it.  I gasp and pull it out.  Indeed my thoughtful husband has purchased me a Kindle Fire.  "I thought you needed an upgrade" he says smiling.  

I run my finger over the beautiful full color touch screen of my new Kindle Fire.  It's ability to play numerous apps, movies, music and games are just a few of the advancements I find on it.  On a regular basis I am having to wrestle it back from my kids who feel that it should be their's instead of mine.  I add Amazon Prime and love all the additional options that gives me for music, movies, and borrowing books (not to mention discounted prices on other items and free 2 day shipping!  Totally worth the expense!)

Finally I make up my mind that I need to call Amazon about my broken Kindle.  The customer service rep is very helpful and walks me through my options.  While my warranty is expired they are still willing to help me.  The option I choose is for a new Kindle Fire for a fraction of the price.  In exchange I just need to send in my broken one!  Done. 

The new Kindle Fire is a welcome addition in my home and while it is suppose to be my husbands, it quickly gets taken over by our children. 

May 2104
I just downloaded my new Kindle App on my phone!  I am so excited that I can have my books with me everywhere I go!  This is going to make travel even easier than before.  I can read on my phone and when I go back to my Kindle it auto syncs to the farthest place read.  Since I always use bookmarks that makes it even easier to find my place.

There is nothing I don't love about my Kindle.  I still read paper books as well, but my Kindle is my new favorite way to read.  I can even get library books on my Kindle now!  

Do you have a Kindle?  Which one do you have and why do you love it?

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  1. My Kindle Fire was also a gift from my husband. I definitely enjoy it...and love it a bit too much. I, though, rarely read books on it. Since we only have one computer in the family and no smart phones, it is an excellent option for us.

  2. I love my Kindle, too. I can't read on a fire, but I do love the e-ink, and I've been through 3 of them since the first two stopped functioning. :)

  3. I have a Nexus, but I love my Kindle app on it :)

  4. I use the app on my iPad, and I love it! I never thought I would like it as much as I do, but it's just so convenient to use.

  5. We have a Kindle fire. I love that we can use the overdrive app for books from the library. My son loves the games. I am really glad we have it.

  6. I use Kindle's app on my I-pad. I love it because I can take a whole library with me when I am traveling.


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