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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Being a Proverbs 31 Woman vs. 21 - Preparedness - The Faith Journey #28

Being a Proverbs 31 Woman vs. 21 Preparedness @ATIPicalDay #faith #devotional #preparingahead #emergencykits #emergencypreparation

"When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
    for all of them are clothed in scarlet." -Proverbs 31:21 (NIV)

Being a Scout mom, I am no stranger to the Scout motto, "Be Prepared".  I know that when my boys go out, they need to have thought about every situation, and try to plan accordingly.  That means taking along first aid kits, rain gear, matches, pocket knives, headlamps, water and extra socks.  At just 8 and 11 years old they are learning to prepare for whatever life may throw their way.  As their mother, I am always watching out for them and trying to think ahead as well.  I want to be sure that I am doing everything I can to prepare for their future.  

The Proverbs 31 woman did the same in verse 21.  Her household is clothed in scarlet which would have been a fine wool.  Her little ones would be warm and toasty come winter.  This past winter was unusually hard here on the East Coast.  It seemed we got blasted again and again with extreme cold and winter storms.  I was able to take comfort in the fact that my family had a roof over our heads, warm blankets on our beds, food in the fridge and warm jackets for when we did have to go out.

Taken a few moments to make sure you are going to have what you need in an emergency is such a smart investment of time.  Do you have an emergency kit?  Here are some items you may want to consider having on hand in case the need should arise.
  • First aid kit 
  • Wool blankets
  • Plenty of bottled water (The American Red Cross suggests having 1 gallon per person, per day)
  • Flashlights/lanterns (I suggest headlamps because then your hands are free for whatever you may need to do)
  • Plenty of extra batteries
  • Cash (you may not be able to use your card in an emergency)
  • Copies of important documents
  • Matches and candles
  • Non-perishable foods/snacks
  • Small battery powered radio
  • Cell phone charger (might also be wise to invest in a battery life extender for your phone)
What else do you do to prepare for an emergency?

Read the rest of the Proverbs 31 series here.

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