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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

50+ Summer Boredom Busting Ideas & Tuesday Twitter Linky Party #28

50+ Summer Boredom Busters and Twitter Linky Party! @ATIPicalDay #printables #twitterlinky #kids #parenting #summeractivites #whattodo #boredombusters
My family didn't make it but maybe three days into our summer vacation and I started to hear, "Mom, I'm bored...there is nothing to do!"  
Seriously, three days!  This is rediculous and I will go crazy if I have to listen to it all summer long.  So here is a list I am giving my kids.  They can't complain to me about having nothing to do unless they have checked off everything on this list!  Feel free to print it for your crew as well!  

*   Play Hide and seek
*    Jump on the Trampoline
*    Play Run and scream (take a deep breath, scream, and run in a straight line. Stop running as soon as you have to take a breath, the person getting the farthest wins)
*    Play Musical chairs
*    Read a book
*    Watch a movie
*    Make a craft
*    Color a picture
*    Do a puzzle
*    Build a fort
*    Do your chores
*    Play a board game
*    Create a board game
*    Play charades
*    Play kickball
*    Play in the sprinkler
*    Water the garden
*    Play Lego
*    Play matchbox cars
*    Create a marble maze
*    Make a corn whole game
*    Build with blocks
*    Make a scavenger hunt
*    Pick flowers for mom
*    Clean under the bed
*    Play with Barbie
*    Design some new doll clothes using scraps of fabric
*    Make a home bowling ally
*    Make play dough
*    Make a treasure map
*    Put up a rope swing
*    Build a tree fort
*    Weed the flower beds
*    Make a terrarium
*    Make mud pies
*    Create your own slip and slide
*    Ride your bike
*    Roller skate
*    Play with sidewalk chalk
*    Make a kite
*    Donate some of your toys
*    Play hopscotch
*    Play foursquare
*    Use old Halloween costumes and put on a play
*    Make sock puppets
*    Make up a puppet show (use stuffed animals if you don’t have puppets)
*    Go to the park
*    Go for a walk
*    Climb a tree
*    Take a nap
*    Play follow the leader
*    Make your own comic book
*    Make a loom bracelet
*    Make a funny video
*    Take a silly picture
*    Build a pushcart

Printable List

Welcome to the The Ultimate Linky's Twitter Party!

Thanks for coming and linking up here to the Twitter Linky Party! You can come back here every week on Tuesday for this whole summer to get more followers on twitter! Our goal is to grow this party so that there will be new people linking up every week so that you can continue to get new followers! There are two linkies in this party! You can do just one or both linkies if you wish. On the first linky, you will link up your Twitter URL for your Twitter account so that you can be followed. On the second linky, link up the URL of a tweet you would like to be retweeted. Please follow me and Tammy from The Ultimate Linky on Twitter, add the button to your sidebar or party page, and then link up and follow the directions for who to follow/retweet! If you are the last three to link up, your links will be manually added to the beginning of next week's link-up so that you get your follows. You can always follow more if you decide to! We also would love any shares that you could give to help spread the word about this party!
The Ultimate Linky
You can also link up one tweet that you would like to have re-tweeted. This is the same concept as above except you only have to tweet the two links above yours. I will make sure I tweet the last link(s). Social media parties every day of the week!


  1. Thanks for the terrific post and linkup! Have a great day.

  2. I think our granddaughter made it through 2 days. What a wonderful list you have made - may have to use something similar for her. Thanks for sharing and thanks for the great party. Cathy

    1. LOL it is amazing how fast they "get bored" isn't it! Glad you are finding the list helpful! :)


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